All About Skin

Skin Cycling: Skincare Routine yang Bukan Sekedar Gimmick

Akhir-akhir ini di media sosial sedang banyak dibincangkan mengenai salah satu metode pemakaian skincare terbaru yaitu Skin Cycling. Apa itu Skin Cycling? Bagaimana cara memulainya dan menerapkannya di pemakaian skincare sehari-hari? Simak Artikel OurSkinPal berikut untuk mendapatkan insight mengenai hal ini. Apa itu Skin Cycling? Metode Skin Cycling awalnya dicetuskan oleh seorang Dermatologist asal New […]

What does natural and organic mean on cosmetics? Are they the same entity?

Credit: Freepik As our planet grows old and climate changes strike in, many people are now in a motion to save the earth for the next generation to come. One of the most popular path taken is ‘Going Back to Nature’, where people’s preference shift from man-made or ‘chemical’ products to nature and organic sourced […]

Halal cosmetics: A story behind its halal label

In Indonesia, muslim community has been a growing target market for halal products since 1988 when the fuss about “haram” substances found in several meal ingredients first emerged. That year, a researcher from Universitas Brawijaya, Dr. Ir. Tri Susanto published his research which revealed that food supplies such as noodle, milk, snack, etc may contain […]